To relocate or not to relocate...tis the question. Some days I feel like I know what my decision is and then other days I just feel lost. So. My dad wants me to move to Virginia Beach this summer with him and his wife. Basically, her mom's sick and she wants to go care for her and my dad's going with her being that that's his wife and all. I was coming to accept my dad not being in the same state as me when, all of a sudden, he gets the bright ass idea to ask me to come with them. Boo! Nevermind the fact that I go to one of the best art schools in the country. Nevermind the fact that i've lived in New York all my life. Nevermind that shit. Jiselle should just up and move her life to Virginia according to her dad. W T F. Why is my life so fucked up? Why do I always get stuck with the hard decisions and bullshit situations? Why do I love my dad so much? Ugh. Fuck this.
Labels: Family, life, New York, Soul Searching, Virginia