Ok, so I know that I don't really post much about ME anymore(my opinions, my life,etc.) but I think i'm gonna start to because it's alot of things that I would LOVE to get off of my chest...for example: I go to alot of different entertainment blogs and one thing that I want to say is that i've started to notice a trend in one particular blog I go to...the trend is that instead of posting entertainment related things because it's an entertainment blog, the author of the blog posts things that ARE entertainment related but are moreso to make fun of celebrities and ,in my opinion, humiliate them and try to bring them down to the level that the author thinks they should be on...I mean, I know that ,for example, My BB Allstars post wasn't the nicest and my comments about Miss Jones weren't the nicest but hey, it's not like I do it for the SOLE purpose to attack these people...i'll post more later...